Pak 43 and KwK 43[edit | edit source]
Main articles: 8.8 cm Pak 43 and 8.8 cm KwK 43
At the time Rheinmetall developed the Flak 41, Krupp’s tried to compete with their 8.8 cm Gerät 42 proposal, but it was not accepted for production as an anti-aircraft gun. Krupp continued development, resulting in the dreaded 8.8 cm Pak 43 anti-tank gun and 8.8 cm KwK 43 tank gun.
Pak 43 (an abbreviation of Panzerabwehrkanone 43) used a new cruciform mount with the gun much closer to the ground, making it far easier to hide and harder to hit. It was also provided with a much stronger and more angled armour shield to provide better protection. All versions were able to penetrate about 200 mm of armour at 1,000 m, allowing it to defeat the armor of any contemporary tank. The standard armament of the Tiger II, the KwK 43 tank gun, was essentially the Pak 43 externally modified to fit into a turret. There were also self-propelled versions of the gun, including the lightly-armored Nashorn and, later, strongly-armored Elefant and Jagdpanther tank destroyers.
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ In German, the comma is used as the decimal separator, hence official punctuation was actually “8,8 cm” and not “8.8 cm”. The spoken version was Acht-komma-acht Zentimeter.
- Also many sources say Flak is a contraction of Flugabwehrkanone or Fliegerabwehrkanone or Flugzeug-Abwehr-Kanone. In all cases, including the latter, the letter “k” in “Flak” was not capitalized.
- The Allied slang for anti-aircraft fire, ack-ack, does not come from the Acht-acht, but is World War I signalers’ phonetic spelling of letters “AA”.
- The light anti-aircraft battalion usually did not deploy any 88s, the heavy battalions were rarely used in practice.
История создания и использования боевой
Sd.Kfz. 9(По прозвищуФАМО) был Германия’s самым тяжелым half-track видя службу в Мировая война II. Первая модель была сделана в 1936 году и поступил на службу в Вермахт в 1938 году ее основных целей было как артиллерийский тягач и восстановления бак автомобиля. Транспортное средство было в состоянии буксировать около 28 тонн, что более чем способен буксировать 24 см Kanone 3 осадной пушки иPanzer IV, но требуется от двух до четырех буксировать тяжелеепантера,Tiger I, а также Tiger II. Он был создан между 1938 по 1944 с 2500 единиц.
8.8 см FlaKнемецкая anti-aircraft артиллерия и один из их главной опоры anti-air и anti-tank оружия в Мировая война II. 8,8 см калибр был разработан в 1917 году во времена Мировая войны I от доступного морского калибра для эффективной борьбы с самолетами союзников. Первый из серии Flak, тоFlaK 18, Был установлен на легко развертываемых и проходимой пистолет платформы, имеет semi-automatic систему загрузки, и имел широкий спектр боеприпасов доступный от high-explosives и armour-piercing. Орудия первый увидел службу в гражданской войне в Испании, и зарекомендовал себя как один из наиболее эффективных anti-aircraft орудий периода. Улучшения в Flak привело кFlaK 36а также FlaK 37с новыми функциями, такими как бочка two-piece и способность стрелять без развертывания пистолета платформы. Хотя set-up время для платформы было быстрым на две с половиной минуты, вес пистолета требовал half-track, таких как Sd.Kfz 7, чтобы быстро переместить его в новое положение. Пистолет оказался эффективным по наземным целям, а также, большую часть влияния, что он был адаптирован в качестве танкового вооружения наTiger I тяжелый танк. Серия FlaK кончались производится в тысячах с 1933 по 1945 год, до 21000 единиц, произведенных в этот период времени.
8,8 см Flak.37 SFL
В 1940 году пятнадцать примеров Sd.Kfz.9 были приспособлены для монтажа с на 8,8 см Flak 18 орудий. Они были официально известны как8,8 см Flak 18 (SFL.) Ауф Zugkraftwagen 18t, Его основная цель состояла в том, чтобы служить в роли anti-tank, с half-track необходимо для обеспечения мобильности much-needed к пистолету. Помимо этих 15 единиц продукции, не так много известно о его боевых характеристик на поле боя, но его существование вдохновило некоторые американские проекты САУ в 1943 смонтировать anti-aircraft пистолет на подвижном транспортном средстве, но они оказались безуспешными.
Немецкие таблицы стрельбы в сравнении с советскими таблицами стрельбы
Теперь о том, чего в советских таблицах стрельбы нет и об этом, как это не удивительно даже не думали. Советские таблицы стрельбы составлены просто для того, чтобы они были – не более того. Они сделаны не для пользователя и не для достижения конкретного результата.
Прежде всего – обращает на себя та информация, что немецкие таблицы стрельбы несут в себе много информации об рассеивании снаряда – даже после прохождения цели. причем эта информация – вынесена на первую часть листа самих таблиц стрельбы.
Следующий момент касается не просто информации о срединных отклонениях при стрельбе на соответствующую дальность. Указана конкретная вероятность при поражении конкретной цели на конкретной дальности – процент попаданий в цель габаритами 2,5 × 2 метра.
Что удивительно – эта информация не просто есть, в себе она несет первую цифру – которая означает с учетом метеорологического влияния, тогда как в скобках указана цифра, которая не учитывает метеорологического фактора. То есть, вероятность поражения цели, которая присутствует в немецких таблицах стрельбы – является эмпирической величиной. Она составлена на основе расчета, но проверена практической стрельбой.
Информация по рассеиванию в советских таблицах стрельбы указана только в качестве срединных отклонений снарядов для определенной дальности. И она не более чем определена через обычные математические зависимости, а не практической стрельбой.
Не трудно обратить внимание на то, что вероятность поражения цели при стрельбе из советской 100-мм противотанковой пушки БС-3, на дальности 1800 метров будет другой, чем та же величина у немецкой 88-мм противотанковой пушки. На эту величину (вероятности поражения цели) самым существенным образом будет влиять – длина ствола орудия
Это – основная характеристика внутренней баллистики, которая будет влиять на другие характеристики внешней баллистики. У немецкого 88-мм орудия длина ствола – 71 калибр, то есть 6428 мм. У советской 100-мм пушки БС-3 – длина ствола 59 калибров, что составляет – 5970 мм
На эту величину (вероятности поражения цели) самым существенным образом будет влиять – длина ствола орудия. Это – основная характеристика внутренней баллистики, которая будет влиять на другие характеристики внешней баллистики. У немецкого 88-мм орудия длина ствола – 71 калибр, то есть 6428 мм. У советской 100-мм пушки БС-3 – длина ствола 59 калибров, что составляет – 5970 мм.
Соответственно длине ствола и разные начальные скорости снаряда – V м/с. У немецкого орудия при стрельбе обычным бронебойным снарядом – начальная скорость составляет – 1000 м/с. Тогда как советская 100-мм пушка стреляла бронебойным снарядом с начальной скоростью (для разных снарядов) – от 887 до 895 м/с.
Советский бронебойно-трассирующий снаряд БР-412Д (как и его аналоги) весил 15,88 кг, что на 5,88 кг больше чем немецкий бронебойно-трассирующий снаряд. С одной стороны это хорошо, тогда как, низкая начальная скорость снаряда – по всем законам внешней баллистики – повышает угол возвышения. И как следствие растут другие факторы, что мы по таблицам стрельбы и наблюдаем.
Strengths[edit | edit source]
In the game, the Flak 36 has 3 crew members: the loader (left) who loads the gun; the trainer (near right) who elevates and traverses the gun; and the gunner (far right) who sights and fires the gun.
The gun’s range and calibre should always be respected outmost, as it is one of the longest firing weapons in the game, especially if the gun is being spotted for by another unit; its range and power will decimate any would be attackers.
Each shell delivers a massive 225 points of damage on impact – easily one of the highest damage values among all weapons, roughly in the same category as heavy artillery shells.
Most vehicles and light tanks will be destroyed in one or two shots; heavier tanks will be soon knocked out before they can come in range, and fire upon the gun.
Penetration values for this weapon are all but perfect. At a range of 30 meters (just below sight-range) it has a 90% chance to pierce the front armor of an M26 Pershing, the heaviest Allied vehicle. Needless to say, at this range it will also pierce the front armor on an M4 Sherman with absolute precision. The chance of penetration drops with range, reaching 45% against the Pershing at 75 meters, and 22.5% at 100 meters.
This gun has a maximum fire-range of 100 meters – the longest range of any direct-fire weapon. Naturally, the gun’s sight-range is much lower (35 meters, like most other units), so it must utilize forward spotters in order to acquire such far-away targets. The gun is also accurate enough to actually hit its targets at this distance, with a 100% base accuracy against almost all vehicles at up to 75 meters, dropping to 90% at 100 meters. In other words, it will be able to snipe at tanks parked almost 1/4 of the map’s length away from its position. Tanks entering the 75-meter zone around the cannon should expect to be hit and penetrated by the weapon.
Even infantry are also extremely vulnerable to the large area of effect of the shell’s explosion. Initially, the gun had a reasonably-high chance to hit infantry at most ranges; this was reduced considerably in one patch and then some more in another. Still, the 2-meter blast radius ensures some damage to infantry hiding behind cover – if the gun manages to hit that cover.
A good tactic with this gun is to place one or even several at the end of a chokepoint (such as a long narrow road or a bridge) and have a camouflaged sniper spotting for the gun at the other end of the point. It is also advised to have infantry protect the gun in case something manages to make it through by luck, If applied correctly, this strategy can wreak a lot of havoc upon enemy commanders.
- Pairing 2-4 of these with FlaK 20mm guns provide a solid air defense, although not mobile.
- Fighters should also be used to protect these of any air threats, as they are fragile.
- Remember that these units cannot enter forested areas; you cannot ambush tanks with FlaK 88’s like you can with regular AT guns, such as the Pak 40.
- Good all around defense weapon. Very weak towards advanced fighters such as Shindens.
- One shot to a plane immediately sends it up in flames and it will retreat to its nearest airfield, another shot will destroy the aircraft.
- At a price of $40, the FlaK 88 is an expensive piece of hardware. Only one or two will provide enough air cover for a while.
- If you are only planning on defending against aircraft, four FlaK 20mm guns can be enough to defend an area. Also, just the sight of four FlaK 20mm guns peppering the skies is enough to drive groups of aircraft away.
- The FlaK is towed by a halftrack when moving, and have to be redeployed when firing which takes time and exposes it, so it’s best used as a solid defense.
Usage in battles
Despite the presence of a whopping 88 mm gun on the back of this half-track, the complete lack of any armour, as well as the hull-break mechanics, gives this vehicle a short lifespan on the front lines. Thus, the best course is to keep the half-track as far away from the battle as possible.
The gun has a slow gun traverse and a terrible depression when angled towards the front, so firing against targets at close range on level ground will leave the vulnerable and unable to return fire against targets of low-profile chassis. The gun however can be depressed further at a lower degree when pointed to the sides and rear of the vehicle as it provides more physical clearance. As such when engaging targets on level ground at close to medium ranges, it is recommended to turn the entire vehicle clockwise or counterclockwise for 45 degrees and the gun turret 45 degrees in opposition to the angle of the chassis for clearance. This should be accomplished only in areas with enough maneuvering room to ingress and egress to guarantee clearance, or else the half-rack will find itself stuck (in some cases literally) between a rock and a hard place. Find cover behind rocks or other obstacles, inch out of cover only enough to show the gun, then race back into cover after firing to avoid being shot and losing valuable crew members.
In the ways of modification purchases, try to obtain the spare parts and FPE first. From there, research Horizontal Drive, Adjustment of Fire, and Elevation Mechanism to increase your total combat effectiveness. The stock halftrack’s turn rate is rather poor and needs improvement if you want to be able to quickly react to a changing battlefield. One thing that cannot be stressed enough is the fact that this vehicle is the definition of a Glass Cannon. Most of the time, your TD will be destroyed by either an ammo rack explosion or most commonly a tank burn-down. Since the Flak.37 does not have armour, HEAT and HE shells can destroy you with one well placed shot.
Tier | Mobility | Protection | Firepower | |
I | Tracks | Parts | Horizontal Drive | |
II | Suspension | Brake System | FPE | Adjustment of Fire |
III | Filters | Crew Replenishment | Elevation Mechanism | |
IV | Transmission | Engine | Rangefinder |
Pros and cons
- 88 mm cannon in Rank II
- Has a high potency of destroying tanks it encounters in just one shot
- Extremely fast reloads (avg. 6 seconds)
- Six crew member
- Gun elevation maxed at 85°, some may use it to fight larger aircraft
- Paper thin armour makes AP shell more likely to pass through
- More than adequate ammo for prolonged combat
- Very little armour, a heavy machine gun or strafing aircraft, and ramming planes will make mincemeat out of this vehicle
- Armour can hull-break
- Crew exposed, artillery barrages could be lethal
- Boxes near the rear are ammo racks, smart players will just take out your gunner and shoot there
- Heavy half-track and gun gives low and sluggish speed
- With a gun depression of -3 degrees and the gun being high off the ground, you will have a near impossible chance of hitting short tanks that are really close to you on level ground
- You are a priority target for airstrikes or even escorting fighters, smart players will take the chance to destroy the vehicle (AB), and Gunner is nearly always knocked out first.
Flak 43[edit | edit source]
German soldiers carry ammunition for the 37 mm Flakzwilling 43.
The 3.7 cm Flak 43 was a dramatic improvement over older models. A new gas-operated breech increased the practical firing rate to 150 RPM, while at the same time dropping in weight to 1,250 kg (2,760 lb) in combat, and 2,000 kg (4,400 lb) in transport. It was also produced in a twin-gun mount, the 3.7 cm Flakzwilling 43, although this version was considered somewhat unwieldy and top-heavy.
Many Flak 37s were mounted on the ubiquitous Sd.Kfz. 7 half-track vehicle, or later the schwere Wehrmachtschlepper (sWS), but the newer Flak 43 was almost always used in a mobile mounting.[citation needed] Most famous of these were the converted Panzer IVs, first the “interim” Möbelwagen, and later the Ostwind, which was considered particularly deadly.
Compared to its closest Allied counterpart, the 40 mm Bofors L/60, the Flak 43 had twice the rate of fire and was both notably lighter and more compact; [citation needed] the Bofors was slightly more powerful (with greater range, ceiling, and a shorter projectile flight time) and fired a more destructive shell. Large-scale production did not start until 1944, and about 7,216 had been produced by the end of the war (Zwillings included, each counted as two guns).
3.7 cm Flak 43 M43Uedit | edit source
The 3.7 cm Flak 43 M43U was the marine version of the 3.7 cm Flak 43 used by the Kriegsmarine on Type VII and Type IX U-boats. It was mounted on the LM42U mount.
3.7 cm Flak 43 M43U used on U-boats.
Weaknesses[edit | edit source]
As the Flak has a slow rate of fire and turn speed, any would be attack is advised to use this to their advantage when taking the gun out. If you have no other choice, keep your units spread out and use flame or explosives to de-crew the gun quickly. Try to use any hills or buildings to your advantage as this gun is a direct-fire unit and therefore can be outflanked or avoided by using said terrain.
Sniping is considered the best method of de-crewing the Flak 88, as (said before) the unit’s slow rate of fire and turning, can be easily exploited by the sniper. If the sniper is not shooting from a direction the cannon is facing in, the cannon will not be able to turn to face the threat before the sniper re-cloaks.
An American paratrooper squad, landed directly on the Flak 88, is also an effective method of decrewing the gun. The gun will not fire at the paratroopers until they land, giving you time to run around the gun while the paratroopers fire. As an added bonus, the crew can then man the gun and reinforce their own squad on the fly. An alternative strategy is to throw a satchel upon landing and retreating before the gun can turn to meet them.
Facing off with Anti-Tank 57mm, Flak 88 is proven to be quite powerless. Not only the lack of attack speed, Flak 88 also does not have an ability which makes the batteries can be destroyed by 3 to 4 direct hit from AT 57mm.
Бронетехника Третьего рейха |
Лёгкие танки: | |
Средние танки: | |
Тяжёлые танки: | Neubaufahrzeug • DW I • DW II • VK 36.01 (H) • VK 65.01 (H) • VK 45.01 (P) • Typ 130 (P) • Tiger (P) • • Tiger I • • • VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B • • • Tiger II • E-75 |
Сверхтяжёлые танки: | Löwe • VK 100.01 (P) • K.3381 • K.3382 • K.3384 • Mäuschen • VK 168.01 (P) • K.3387 • Porsche Typ 205/1 • • Maus • Tiger-Maus • E-100 • Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte • Landkreuzer P. 1500 Monster |
Бронетранспортёры: | SdKfz 250 • SdKfz 251 • SdKfz 247 |
Бронеавтомобили: | |
Штурмовые орудия: | |
Истребители танков: | |
Самоходные гаубицы: | |
РЗСО: | 15cm Panzerwerfer 42 Auf.Sf • Wurfrahmen 40 |
ЗСУ: | |
БРЭМ: | |
Разведывательные машины: | |
Main armament
Main article: Flak.37 (88 mm)
88 mm Flak.37 | Turret rotation speed (°/s) | Reloading rate (seconds) | |||||||||||
Mode | Capacity | Vertical | Horizontal | Stabilizer | Stock | Upgraded | Full | Expert | Aced | Stock | Full | Expert | Aced |
Arcade | 40 | -3°/+85° | ±180° | N/A | 9.69 | 13.41 | 16.28 | 18.00 | 19.15 | 6.50 | 5.75 | 5.30 | 5.00 |
Realistic | 6.55 | 7.70 | 9.35 | 10.34 | 11.00 |
Penetration statistics | |||||||
Ammunition | Type ofwarhead | Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm) | |||||
10 m | 100 m | 500 m | 1,000 m | 1,500 m | 2,000 m | ||
Pzgr. | APCBC | 153 | 151 | 140 | 128 | 116 | 106 |
Sprgr. L/4.5 | HE-TF* | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 |
Shell details | |||||||||
Ammunition | Type ofwarhead | Velocity(m/s) | ProjectileMass (kg) | Fuse delay(m) | Fuse sensitivity(mm) | Explosive Mass(TNT equivalent) (g) | Ricochet | ||
0% | 50% | 100% | |||||||
Pzgr. | APCBC | 810 | 9.5 | 1.2 | 14 | 285.6 | 48° | 63° | 71° |
Sprgr. L/4.5 | HE-TF* | 820 | 9 | 0.05 | 0.1 | 698 | 79° | 80° | 81° |
Ammo racks
Ammo racks of the 8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl.
Fullammo | 1strack empty | 2ndrack empty | Visualdiscrepancy |
40 | 21 (+19) | 1 (+39) | No |
The ammo rack at the back of the halftrack can be reduced from two possible racks to one by reducing your total ammo count from 40 shells to 21, with the 21st shell will be loaded in the gun breech. This can reduce the possibility of an ammo rack explosion.
The 88 “family”[edit | edit source]
Guns using the 88×571R mm cartridgeedit | edit source
8.8 cm Flak 18 Had a new semi-automatic breech, making it a high velocity gun. It entered production in Germany in 1933 and used the Sonderanhänger
Mod 1938 II: Approximately 50 guns were modified so a single man could adjust the elevation and traverse.
201 trailer. its weight was seven tonnes. Its rate of fire was 15 to 20 rounds per minute. It was later fitted with a gun shield to protect the crew when engaging ground targets. It was produced by Krupp.
- 8.8 cm Flak 36 Entered service 1936–37. It used the redesigned trailer Sonderanhänger 202 which enabled a faster time into action from the move. The SdAnh 202 had twin wheels on two similar carriages. It could engage ground targets from the traveling position. Its weight was seven tonnes. Its rate of fire was 15 to 20 rounds per minute. It was produced by Krupp. It was subsequently fitted with a shield to protect the crew when engaging ground targets.
8.8 cm KwK 36: The main gun of the PzKw VI Ausf. E (Tiger I) tank. Despite its designation, some classify it as a parallel development with very similar specifications rather than a derivative of the Flak 36.
An 8.8cm on display at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford
- 8.8 cm Flak 37: It was an updated version of the Flak 36, the main difference being Übertragungser 37 (a data transmission system). It was produced by Krupp.
Guns using the 88×855R mm cartridgeedit | edit source
8.8 cm Flak 41: This was a weapon developed and produced by Rheinmetall-Borsig to be used with a 855 mm cartridge case. It was fitted to the existing Sonderanhänger 202 as standard and entered service in 1943. The barrel was at first designed as three-section with a length of 74 calibers, and then redesigned to dual-section with a length of 72 calibers.
Guns using the 88×822R mm cartridgeedit | edit source
- 8.8 cm Gerät 42: Was a new Krupp design to compete with the Flak 41; it did not enter service as an anti-aircraft gun. Further development of the weapon led to the Pak 43 anti-tank gun.
8.8 cm Pak 43: An anti-tank model developed from Krupp’s 8.8 cm Gerät 42. With a new gun carriage, the Sonderanhänger 204 was developed by Krupp and manufactured in different versions, including the KwK 43, by at least Dortmund Hoerder-Hüttenverein, Henschel, Weserhütte and Fr. Garny. It had a 71 caliber barrel and a 822 mm cartridge case.
- 8.8 cm Pak 43/41: The Pak 43 was mounted on a single axle split-trail field gun carriage which was produced as a stop-gap measure due to the scarcity of materials. Its weight was 4.9 tonnes.
- 8.8 cm Pak 43/1: The Pak 43 mounted in the Nashorn tank destroyer.
- 8.8 cm Pak 43/2 The Pak 43 mounted in the Ferdinand/Elefant tank destroyer. It was occasionally referred to as the “StuK 43/1”.
- 8.8 cm Pak 43/3 and 43/4: The Pak 43 mounted in the Jagdpanther tank destroyer. It had a falling wedge breech block.
- 8.8 cm KwK 43: The Pak 43 modified as a tank gun. It was the main gun of the Tiger II heavy tank. It also had a falling wedge breech block.
Initial StatisticsEdit
HP | Armor | Mobility | Threat |
278 | 68 | 40 | 6 |
Ground FP | Air FP | Penetration | Hit |
437 | 228 | 71 | 52 |
Critical Rate | Critical Damage |
20 |
Luck | Initiative | AP | CP |
68 | 40 | 3 | -1 |
| Alloy Economy | ||
Cost @Unit | Unit(s) | Total |
17 | 1 | 17 |
Maxed StatisticsEdit
HP | Armor | Mobility | Threat |
{`hp`} | {`armor`} | {`eva`} | {`threat`} |
Ground FP | Air FP | Penetration | Hit |
{`ground`} | {`air`} | {`arpen`} | {`hit`} |
Critical Rate | Critical Damage |
{`critrate`} | {`critdmg`} |
Luck | Initiative | AP | CP |
{`luck`} | {`initiate`} | {`ap`} | {`cp`} |
| Alloy Economy | ||
Cost @Unit | Unit(s) | Total |
{{{alloy/unit}}} | {`unit count`} | {`alloy total`} |
Modification SkillEdit
Name | Pre-requisite | |
Anti-Air Battalion II |
3 “Schwarz Kreuz” AA Unit and/or more alive
(This requirement counts unit body count, rather than number of squads) |
Increases Critical Rate of all “Schwarz Kreuz” Anti-Aircraft unit |
Default | |||||||
Name | Passive | Effect | |||||
Flak36 | – | – | 40 | 433 | 226 | 71 | 26 |
Modification | |||||||
Name | Passive | Effect | |||||
Flak37 | – | – | 40 | 390 | 251 | 71 | 26 |
Default | |||||
Name | Passive | Effect | |||
Standard Gun Shield | – | – | 276 | 68 | 40 |
Modification | |||||
Name | Passive | Effect | |||
Improved Gun Shield | camouflage | decreases self threat level | 276 | 65 | 42 |
Default | ||||||||
Type | Passive | Effect | ||||||
Normal Shell | – | – | – | – | – | 20 | 68 | 26 |
Modification | ||||||||
Type | Passive | Effect | ||||||
– | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Refer to Modification for modification costs
Rarity Upgrade BonusEdit
Limit breaking rarity gives you boosts to statistics and activation of Rarity Skill
Rarity Upgrade Boost | ||||
Statistics | 2★ | 3★ | 4★ | 5★ |
| HP | – | – | +56 | {{{5* +hp}}} |
| Ground FP | – | – | +88 | {{{5* +ground}}} |
| Air FP | – | – | +51 | {{{5* +air}}} |
| Armor | – | – | +8 | {{{5* +armor}}} |
| Mobility | – | – | +5 | {{{5* +eva}}} |
| Hit | – | – | +6 | {{{5* +hit}}} |
| Penetration | – | – | +8 | {{{5* +arpen}}} |
| Luck | – | – | – | {{{5* +luck}}} |
Passive Lv. | N/A | N/A | 1 | {{{5* passive}}} |
+ Unit Count* | N/A | N/A | +1 | +1 |
Total Unit Count | – | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Additional units raise alloy cost accordingly
88mm Flak 41 Acht-Acht
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Appears to be friend with VK1602
Dolls List |
Октябрьский Союз | ||
Tank | Light | |
Medium | T-34 • T-34-85 | |
Heavy | ||
Destroyer | Light | SU-76 |
Heavy | SU-85 • SU-100 | |
Artillery | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Anti-Air | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Fighter | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Attack Aircraft | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Bomber | Medium | |
Heavy |
Stardust Union | ||
Tank | Light | |
Medium | ||
Heavy | ||
Destroyer | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Artillery | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Anti-Air | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Fighter | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Attack Aircraft | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Bomber | Medium | |
Heavy |
Schwarz Kreuz | |
Tank | Light |
Medium | |
Heavy | |
Destroyer | Light |
Heavy | |
Artillery | Light |
Heavy | |
Anti-Air | Light |
Heavy | |
Fighter | Light |
Heavy | |
Attack Aircraft | Light |
Heavy | |
Bomber | Medium |
Heavy |
Royal White Roses | ||
Tank | Light | |
Medium | ||
Heavy | ||
Destroyer | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Artillery | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Anti-Air | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Fighter | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Attack Aircraft | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Bomber | Medium | |
Heavy |
極東 | ||
Tank | Light | |
Medium | ||
Heavy | ||
Destroyer | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Artillery | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Anti-Air | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Fighter | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Attack Aircraft | Light | |
Heavy | ||
Bomber | Medium | |
Heavy |
Strategy[edit | edit source]
In-game, it cannot be used against aircraft but it can be used against both infantry and vehicles, as it comes equipped with both APCBC and HE shells. The Flak 36 is very powerful, taking out a Sherman Firefly with ease in part due to the Flak gun’s quick reload. The HE shell has a big area of effect, making it extremely deadly against infantry too. The drawback is that the gunner is exposed to both infantry and HE fire. Especially snipers or a enemy commander with a bomber can easily take out the static emplacement. Sometimes enemy logistic sections will even go as far as thinking ahead by blowing up the AA before the objective change.